
Dr. Bojan Lapcevic

Dr. Bojan Lapcevic was born on July 8th 1970 in Belgrade, Serbia. He completed undergraduate, graduate and PhD studies of clinical psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. After the completion of undergraduate studies he worked at the Counselling Department of „Laza Lazarevic“ Neuropsychiatric Hospital from 1999 to 2006 where he intensively worked on psychodiagnostic assessment and psychotherapy of both in- and out-patients. In that period, he attended several educational programs in the area of clinical psychology including training in family psychotherapy and Exner’s comprehensive system of interpretation of Rorschach test. He also actively participated in activities of several NGOs related to counselling, diagnostics, as well as development and implementation of several projects in the area of mental health care. Within the broad range of his professional activities, most of his efforts were directed at the improvement of knowledge and skills related to projective techniques in psychodiagnostics and family psychotherapy. Also, the focus of his professional interests and engagement was directed at various forms of eating disorders.  As a result, he wrote his Masters thesis entitled „Empirical Analysis of Indicators of Eating Disorders at NEO PI-R and Rorschach Test “ in 2005, earning the title of Master of Psychology.

During the period 2006 to 2014 he worked as marriage and family therapist at the Marriage and Family Counselling Center at the City Center for Social Work in Belgrade with couples and families with various forms of family and marital problems. Within the Counselling Center he completed four year long educational program in family therapy according to the curriculum of the London Institute of Family Therapy, and also participated in a large number of professional conferences and courses related to psychotherapy and counselling. In the period 2012 to 2014, he conducted a large research in several Centers for Marriage and Family in several cities in Serbia related to marital crisis and couple psychotherapy. On the basis of the research findings, he wrote PhD thesis entitled “Individual Differences as Factors of Marital Crisis and its Overcoming” earning the title PhD of clinical psychology in 2016 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology in Belgrade.

From 2014 he is predominantly working in private psychotherapy practice in his own „Savetovaliste Lapcevic“(Lapcevic Counselling Center) and is a representative for Serbia for ComPsych, the largest global company for employee assistance services regarding mental health, with its headquarters based in Chicago, USA.

After a number of failed attempts at therapy I finally found a therapist who aligns with my needs and lifestyle. I travel a lot for work and talking to Bojan from anywhere in the world via Skype has finally made it possible for me to not miss my sessions and see lasting therapy results. Bojan is compassionate yet critical, he does not just listen and validate, but rather helps me to dissect and understand my behavioral patterns and how they are often rooted in unattended trauma and family history. I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a highly attentive and flexible professional to work through their issues with.

Publication: Individual Differences as Factors of Marital Crisis and its Overcoming

– a book published on the basis of PhD thesis –


In this research, empirical analysis of data from 200 couples in marital crisis, included in couple therapy treatment, reveals factors, both of onset and overcoming of marital crisis. It is argued that marital crisis is a phenomenon primarily linked to personality structure of actor and partner. Furthermore, on the basis of key dimensions of personality of actor and partner, it is possible to detect personality characteristics both for men and woman with good and poor treatment prognosis. Third, by detecting effectiveness and efficacy of psychotherapeutic techniques, two models of therapeutic approaches with highest efficacy are created. In the integration of results, it is suggested that two big factors of marital crisis and its overcoming exist and they are named Communication and Psychopathology.

The book can be ordered by clicking on the book cover or on this link.

My Experience

years of experience in counselling
years of total education in various fields of clinical psychology